“But now — facing federal charges and abandoned by people she considered “fellow patriots” — she said she feels betrayed.�“I bought into a lie, and the lie is the lie, and it’s embarrassing,” she said. “I regret everything.” Washington Post…
And so it goes…people taking out their aggressions but so brainwashed. they are attacking the wrong people.
Trump is a master manipulator…he has done it all of his accrued life. He lies he cheats he steals. and manipulated people into “liking” him. He thrives on.
As a sociopath and narcissist he is all about himself. And he is one of the rich caste who has profited by the economic con of the post WWII economy.
And his followers? Well they are also manipulators, lying to themselves. But they are more victim and masters. They don’t have a fortune to always fall back on like Trump…what they have is the streets…
And THAT is why they attacked the Capitol January 6! The attacked to defend a billionaire who had inherited his fortune, lost it and lived that failure on lies, and a T.V. Show of altered reality.
Trump is an expert in media con jobs! And it worked. It covered up the following:
There is a caste system in the United States that most do not realize. America brags on itself all the time. It has been there all the time going back to plantation economy. And it all is a caste attack on the poor whites!
Slavery and stealing land from Naive People is what built America’s economy. It was not built by entrepreneurs, unless you considered genocide and slavery as inventions.
And when things go bad, they. were trained to blame someone else besides themselves.
The true enemy were the super rich, of whom Trump was a solid member.
This is American behavior, spoiled and me centered. And Trump was all of that!
And their lack of simple judgement is ridiculous, but explainable by the realities I am talking about…
Look, you lost a job in manufacturing. For years if you read the paper, the manufacturing sector in America has suffered from COMPETITION. Rather than admitting that, unions were blamed (who were always trying to fight for labor) negating any chance for the middle class to improve its economic standing.
Who benefited? The plutocrats of course. And their foot soldiers? The disgruntled middle class white men!
Less economically developed countries are willing to live with lower salaries to put together a car on an assembly line. But worldwide, labor is suffering because of automation and robotics. So labor everywhere is hurting and has been since 1972.
Many products are produced and no human hand touches them.
But many countries never went through a post war manufacturing boom. They were too busy rebuilding their countries, France, Germany, Russia etc. had economies that were rebuilding after the war. Building a highway does not produce a product, but it sure as hell produces jobs.
Take highways for example, many were obliterated by WWII…So there were jobs a plenty, paid for by the Marshall Plan and it took 30 years to build back the infrastructure that was not touched in the United States. None of America’s antiquated roads and highways were bombe.
Problem is the Marshall Plan, which was a great idea by the way, at least to date avoiding another war, was paid for by the United States taxpayer. We charged it! Democrats did not dare raise taxes because the war had been paid for by deficit spending but trapped Democrats in their own lies.
Republicans were in on it also, but from their demographic’s interests, the rich getting super rich off of war paid back what they had lost during the Great Depression that THEY perpetrated.
All of the wartime industry boomed during and even after the war, paid for by money that 50 years later had to be repaid. Democrats did not tell the people this truth; neither did the Republicans!
That burden of debt destroyed the middle class in America , but fifty years or so after the war!
And. recession after recession plagued the country from 1945 to 2008 (The Great Recession).
The Great Recession was when the budget sheet came due.
And the Great Recession was fertile ground for Trump!
It got him elected.
This was not upfront however.. A staggering national debt, that was hidden and deferred to later generations to pay off, was used to finance the post war “limited boom” and BOTH PARTiES practiced in the deceit.
Republicans said nothing…so did Democrats..and so did white Americans…
We all knew it was a com especially the poor people of color…white lower caste people did not…They fell into a victim hood reality that Trump seized upon to be elected.
Trump hates his supporters, he plays them up to and including January 6!
We all knew what was going on, but we figured the economy would grow so fast we would catch up. We didn’t!
Nobody thought that China and Japan would thrive, rebuild in record time, and them story winning in the global economy.
The practices of market economy could not compete with China for example, that was rebuilt by America after WWII!
We shore ourselves in the foot and still China went Communist.
Some Communist. I just bought a new IMAC, guess where it was manufactured? China!
The Cold War kept stimulating the “war time economy” and with the exception of a couple recessions, the American economy also benefitted by the post war worldwide economic recovery, but not enough to maintain the American middle class. Every five years or so we hit a recession!
Conservatives gained political traction by attacking the deficit spending that was the engine of their economic growth, so under leaders like Reagan, they “balanced the budget” by dismantling the New Deal and raised taxes by cutting programs for the poor, not by taxing the rich.
For example, County Medical Care centers were closed, mental health facilities were gutted, welfare was cut…and we pay for that now in our lousy handling of the Pandemic!
The Republicans, with “enlightened Democrat support, shifted the blame and debt to welfare queens.
The problem with that deceit is that the poor have no money…so the middle class was secretly given the burden, and “the deplorables” were born.
Disgruntled white men, without college educations,became. the fall guys, throwing them under the bus. To accomplish this, a myth was generated blaming the end of segregation and people of color for the economic travails of white people. The people of color had nothing to do with that, except for being victims themselves. This culminated in President Obama, who was sort of black, but that didn’t matter…the Tea Party was created in a rich man’s basement, to shift the blame for the economic inequalities on black people and the black President. And who led that charge?
Billionaire Donald J. Trump, and other millionaires grabbed the country by its throat and through the lies of Fox News is firmly in power.
The rich got richer in the land of OZ, with the Wizard staying behind a curtain of racial hatred.
So we saw the Republican Party move into the vote rich disgruntled whites who yearned for the good ole days. The good ole days never did exist. And the New Deal finally died.
Welfare was out, training program were out, public health was out, and final fatality was patriotism!
Every man and woman now are left to themselves!
What did exist was the propaganda machine of WWII that has lied and lied about “Why we Fight” not telling the truth about how America had got so rich so fast (slavery and genocide).
The good ole days was the post war boom that lasted about 10 years.
The way out for the white poor, laid off industry workers, was education to catch up with the automation and robotics that gutted good paying manual labor jobs. But education was the first thing the plutocrats gutted…student loans took the place of the G.I.Bill…negating economic growth with huge personal debt.
And this required a degree of personal dedication that Conservatives loved to talk about, but was very difficult to do with a family to take care of. So Mom went back to work, leaving the children to shift for themselves.
And teenaged crime went through the roof, with neglected children leading the charge.
And the rich got richer!
Mom and Dad began working longer and longer hours. Their under educated children were destined for a lifetime of poor paying starvation level pay, with the attack on unions gutting the real American Dream.
Working for WalMart became a good job, minimum wage and a dead end.
Women also occupied slots in the work force, having learned during WWII that women could work alongside men in many vocations. But they also were in dead end jobs with little pay and no benefits.
The Affordable Care Act was passed because private employers payed insurance died.
So unemployment reached a permanent number following by a recession every 10 years or so. And health care got worse leaving the country prone for a pandemic, that to date has killed what will be over 1/2 million at least.
And unemployment hit particularly hard when both parents worked….there was no putting Mom to work to make up the slack because she got laid off too!
Amidst all this, MAGA was born, to a strongman dictator, who used blame to rise to power. Trump did not blame his own caste, who profited by the new fixed for the rich economy. They used racism to explain to out of work middle class white men, (and women) the “real problem” that was victimizing them: Black people!
An environment of caste inequality, which was always there, was blamed on black and brown people (who never had realized any of the American Dream).
The American Dream had become a nightmare in one generation, leaving the baby boomers who were conceived in the positivity economic times only to fall victim to the economy that was fixed against them.
So here we are, with a madman President who has been impeached for the second time (rightfully so).
The con continues and its power was there for all of us to see January 6.
America has lived a lie since 1945, run by a plutocratic rich caste, who has us all by the throat.