Are You Ready to Get Pissed Off
What follows is true…it is an election that was stolen all right, but stolen by an anarchistic outdated and dangerous that will destroy democracy…
In fact it may destroy all sports!?
Huh….all sports.
Well let’s say we play golf…the winner gets the less number in that case…But less is better and everyone know it.
Virtually all other sports go by the most…the most points, touchdowns; etc.
Then there is the god damned (that’s right god damned this lunacy a long time ago) Electoral College.
College is a misnomer! It should be disaster.
People with PH Ds in Political Science (I have a Masters) have for years warned about the Electoral College.
And sure enough it raises it ugly head every four years…It might happen again in a few months….
Trump has already “Stolen” an election by getting less votes but winning? That’s right…Trump ironically won with a flaw in the law.
No wonder he thought he was the victim of a steal…of course he neglected to mention that HE WON WITH A STEAL AGAINST HILLARY CLINTON.
Huh you say..I will be that a number of you have forgotten that the Electoral College allowed the WORST PRESIDENT IN OUR HISTORY
So let’s do this…if the 49ers play let’s say the Raiders, and win by five touchdowns…the Raiders win?
Or the World Series is 4 to 3 wins and 3 wins!
People will go crazy if that happens.
Or let’s look at this way…You interview for a job with a committee of say 7. You get 5 votes and the other guy gets the job.
I could go on and on and never get to the end of this madness..
“On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump received 62,984,828 votes for president. Hillary Clinton received 2,868,686 more — 65,853,514. Clinton thus beat Trump by 2.1 points. And yet because of the way Trump’s votes were distributed across the states, he appeared on track to receive 74 more electoral votes than she did. In the end, Trump received 77 more electoral voters than Clinton. The loser of the national popular vote had thus won the election. In 2012, when Donald Trump believed that the same thing had happened, but favoring the Democrats, he called for a “revolution.” Early forecasts had predicted that Mitt Romney would win the popular vote but that Barack Obama would win in the Electoral College. Trump was outraged. (“The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.”)1 But by 2016, Trump’s views on the Electoral College had evolved. (“I was never a fan of the Electoral College until now.”)2 Though he hadn’t won a plurality of the popular vote, he had won the vote in 60 percent of the states.”
The above was research by mostly every political science I know…
It will destroy our Republic.