Apple Bistro in Placerville .
This sign exists in Placerville Ca…the Apple Bistro.
This is why we are losing the battle against the is simply right in front of you.
The owners of this “restaurant” flaunt their arrogance, flaunt their utter disregard for human decency. Flaunt their fascism…
What kind of human beings would do this? Fascists!
Placerville is not a small town. And El Dorado County has thousands if not a million people living in it.
But, since it is rural and smaller than Sacramento County, the pandemic numbers are not as large.
People still get sick, but right now the death toll is not as high as say L.A.
And that is fine with the bigots that live in Placerville, since they ran from the city a long time ago to get away from people of color.
There is a restaurant that has a dummy hanging from its second story…Hangtown is what Placerville calls itself reflecting the “gold rush” days.
Those who were hanged in those days, were Chinese immigrants and of course people of color. Or vigilante “justice” is still honored, the ultimate breakdown of society is featured as “colorful” in Placerville Ca.
I don’t go there. My great grandfather was lynched because he was a Native American. I don’t go to Hangtown.
But Placerville doesn’t give a damn…they don’t wear masks, they don’t sit apart and they sure as hell don’t bother to wear rubber gloves if they are serving you.
It is their Constitutional Right to make you sick.
If you wonder what is wrong with America, this picture tells it all.