And so it goes, Republicans proving repeatedly with great fear of their “base”, that they are fascist thugs.
All of them.
What would they do if Democrats started threatening Republican Congressmen?
How would they react?
They would be going nuts.
They already are.
Look, fascism behaves this way, these behaviors are all predictable.
Typically reality and truth are the first targets as are science and truth. A gimmick is developed, an out group identified and then a campaign to “fix” the situation. In Republican Fascism that was the immigrant (Muslim ban) etc etc.
A useless wall was built, concentration camps type imprisonment for “illegals” and even separation of children from their parents (a typical fascist move that America practiced when Native American Children were separated from their parents and send to boarding schools).
Genocide is fascism’s rallying ploy to grow its power.
Fascism was running America then, the KKK and brutal genocide of Native Peoples feeding Manifest Destiny, was behind the Trail of Tears, through to Wounded Knee.
The United States is no virgin when it comes to fascism. Hitler famously copied the mass evacuation of “those people” that was the Trail of Tears and countless other mass evacuations of “those people” from lands that they owned.
The Smallpox and Measles pandemics, along with the wholesale slaughter of the American Bison were used by the U.S. Army to destroy Native American resistance to the largest land grab in human history.
It’s the same thing we are seeing now, with the pandemic being used against people of color to in effect genocide by using a virus and a deficient health care “system”.
It is the same thing! Fascism grows on the failures of democracy, even to end a pandemic…
The Jews in Europe not only were sent to camps and killed, their property was confiscated and benefited the fascists with untold amounts of “profit”, basically stealing the land and property of millions.
Profit and money making for an elite are always part of fascism’s growth…
War is part of it, also fed by “conspiracy theories” (lies about why Germany was adversely effected by the Great Depression; don’t forget the Spanish flu either).
These enormous stresses of broken infrastructures in France and Germany fed right into conspiracy theories that fed Hitler.
And the blueprint for the rise and spread of the worst pandemic politically in mankind’s history didn’t help democracy either. Look at today’s news, you see fascism everywhere, still working to destroy democracy.
The United States of America’s saw a coup attempt January 6, that failed. But don’t feel too good. They will be back. Failed coups are part of the larceny of fascism take over attempts.
Native people call reservations “Prisoner of War Camps” which is exactly what they were. Fascism is the backbone of the racism and prejudice that has represented the American Dream in reality: America is meant for white people only. The American Dream was Native People’s nightmare, free land for white people, prisoner of war camps for colored people (or chattel slavery).
This, in a country with a tradition of Bill of Rights, that still excluded people of color from their protections, until the mid twentieth century. The Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Acts were not passed until the mid 1960s, over 100 years after the Civil War! Why did it take so long to make full citizens out of people of color; fascism got in the way..
Segregation was fascism….the KKK was fascism…..gerrymandering is fascism…every anti democracy move by people of power is feeding fascism!
We just went through an attempt to steal the Presidency of the United States under the guise of a lie, that the actual legitimate election was a “steal”…it was not!
America does not need to travel far to hit fascism; the 30% of Trumpsters are the core of fascism in America,
Hitler tried to win Germany with a coup in the early 1920s. The Weimar Republic was too strong and he wound up in prison where he should have died.
He didn’t, and returned in triumph, still with a minority of political support. In 1932, when Hitler became Chancellor, the Nazi Party still represented less than 10% of Germany’s politics.
Once in power, Hitler simply killed the oppositions and used the Gestapo to scare the rest of liberal Germany or killed them. His first move was to make criticism of him by the press a crime punishable by death.
Trump would do that in a minute if he gets the chance.
But when Hitler got his chance, the Great Depression was roaring throughout the world, inflation in Germany and Europe was horrible, reducing the middle class to poverty. And, the world had not got over the Spanish Flu, a pandemic that killed millions.
Anxiety and fear in human behavior needs an outlet, and an excuse in a search for a “magic bullet” that explains the climate of fear and loss. Pandemics have always caused fear that can be manipulated by scoundrels for personal profit and political power.
This is not a new phenomenon.
Losing WWI didn’t help either, neither did the Treaty of Versailles and America’s retreat into isolationism, taking the strongest democracy out of helping Germany and Europe recover from the devastation of not only the War but the Pandemic as well.
Germany had legitimate complaints…they did NOT cause WWI by themselves…but the “allies” blamed them. Nobody talked about the colonialism that in 1914 in Africa thrust the major powers into each other’s way. Colonialism was another cause of WWI, that America’s Spanish American War, included the relatively new world power into competing with other colonial power for the resources (oil) to build the rest of the industrial Revolution.
Colonialism caused WWI.
We can relate…It’s going on in our backyard. Republicans have chosen, and it is a choice, to USE THE PANDEMIC AND ITS FEAR, USE THE ANGER OF and FEAR of BLM to create a political atmosphere of fear that fed right into Trump’s blueprint that he copied from Hitler’s autobiography.
BLM have behaved with anti-fascism and a decorum that is in stark contract to January 6! BLM is definitely not responsible for America’s misery, in fact it is reminding white America that THEY are the cause of the misery! Again, fascism loves to blame the victims.
And who do the right wing blame for January 6…the BLM and Antifa….
Who did Hitler blame for the street violence that was the main tactic of the Brown Shirts blame the Jews and the Commies of course!
The street violence was caused by the Nazis…in fact they even masqueraded as Communists. In fact, the burning of the Reichstag that pushed Hitler over the top in power, was blamed on the Communists and Jews….typical fascist behavior.
Republican Fascists blame anti fascist…(commies basically)…Trump in his last Stage of the Union pledged that he would destroy socialism and the Republicans cheered.
Socialism is not a threat to the United States. Fascism is the major threat to America…we saw this January 6!
This is political science one, it is not rocket science…We have history to teach us.
If this was 1950 we would already have reacted to this…..but then we remember the era of Joe McCarthy, who used post WWII angst to rise in power, attacking the New Deal and the FDR legacy as “soft on Communism”. And McCarthy came dangerously close to winning! In 1950, only 5 years since WWII ended, a legitimate fascist threat erupted in American politics
McCarthy screwed up by moving too fast and his hate campaign backfired leaving him to commit political suicide.
The United States was lucky! Not so much when Reagan and the rest of far right politicians evolved to promise fixes for the inflation of the 1970s…they rose to heights of power not seen since 1921, when Roaring Twenties hid the economic disaster that awaited the world.
But fascism’s bullying of “liberal commies” lasted for decades, blending into Reagan and finally Trump. Using a made up threat for power is nothing new to unscrupulous fascism.
That is why they attack Antifa (which is simply anti-fascism).
Antifa is not a revolutionary movement, for the loosely defined “movement’ IT IS COUNTER REVOLUTIONARY!
Conspiracy theory runs so deep that even a Congressman (woman) can declare that killing the Speaker of the House is a good idea. This crazy congresswoman is not really crazy, she is a fascist and some laugh at her.
The Weimar Republic laughed at Hitler and Goering as well…in 1933 the laughter stopped at a hangman’s noose. A reign of terror is what fascism uses for power rather than a fair election. Democracy is the natural enemy of fascism.
However, and this is critical. Democracy depends on peaceful tolerance of divergent views; fascism depends on repression of divergent views. And that difference of willing to use violence to repress divergent views gives fascism an enormous advantage.
In short, if fascism if threatened it kills; Democracy negotiates, Fascists murder not socialism or democracy!
The recent coup attempt (Hitler had many that failed) January 6, will be followed by a predictable “revenge campaign” in an attempt to grow Trump’s power.
Trump is again doing exactly what Hitler did. He expects a do nothing atmosphere and a tolerance of his anti-democratic behavior aiming at taking over the government by 2024.
Attempts to impeach him and ban him from ever running for federal office again are anti-fascist efforts to avoid the horrible mistake that the Weimar Republic made in 1929.
And of course Republicans refuse to cooperate, still in the mystical spell of Trump. Republicans accuse liberal of intolerance while practicing it with terror! It is a clear double standard.
This is not mystical, it is planned and based on historical precedent. It is also based on basic greed. Fascist politicians get rich off fascist plutocrat’s bribes (campaign funds due to the idiotic SCOTUS decision of Citizen’s United pour into the far right’s war chest!
The world has seen this before. There is a way to end this, and that is to convict Trump of impeachment and end his political career.
But Republicans will not relent..because fascism aids their plutocratic domination of our economy.
It is that bad…and it that REAL.
Wake up!