Pity the Children
“Caste systems are a form of social and economic governance that is based on principles and customary rules. It involves the division of people into social groups (castes) where assignments of rights are fixed by birth, often includes an occupation and are hereditary.” Dictionary
“In December, Biden announced the creation of the Carlisle Indian Boarding School National Monument, which will share the story of the thousands of Native children, their families and communities who were affected by the schools. Carlisle was the first of its kind, designed to forcibly assimilate Native kids with the goal of terminating tribes. “Native American history is American history,” Haaland said. “And we are making sure that our country doesn’t forget the sacrifices during this era of our history, as sad and terrible as it was.” Sacramento Bee
The caste/class comes into play here….
The United States praises itself as a class country…which means people (all people), can move up economically and socially.
A caste country is like it used to be in India and many Middle Asian countries..This means a caste is a position in politics, economics; etc., that is not capable of moving above…
African Americans were caught in this, Native Peoples were caught in this…
Why did this happen..First the African Americans:
- As the country changed and grew, there was a Human Resources problem…Most of the work, especially in the cotton south, was highly needed, in agrarian systems…In short it was the Plantation Economy…This economy was a caste system, starting with the owners of the plantation, and ending with the slaves….that’s right slaves.
- After the Civil War this continued in segregation and hidden systems of slavery…share croppers that in fact a slave system…The south white made huge amounts of cotton and money…and the north, where the cotton was changed into shirts etc…was an economy for the white capitalist.
3. The United States from 1865 until 1965 basically had a Caste System that made it into the richest country on earth.
Now, fast forward to today….Trump, a “businessman” is very pro-rich. His entire life has been making money….unfortunately he is so stupid (really) that he has made and lost billions in his economic life.
This has spilled over into his Presidency…Trump has made a caste of Mexicans and other brown people…claiming in a lie that immigration is destroying the American Economy…
In fact it is doing exactly the opposite…agricultural runs (even in a left wing California) on cheap almost slave like labor that makes again, the high caste white men (note white) very rich…
Once again like India, Amerikkka (KKK on purpose) is a caste that people of color cannot breach.
This all started with slavery and the purposeful destruction of Native Americans….this meant what little education colored children got, was aimed at forcing a form of slavery…a caste…that made a lot of white men very rich.
You will note that this has not stopped even today…Trump is the vanguard of destroying all of the liberal efforts to destroy the caste from LBJ to Biden.