America is no longer a bastion for democracy. I spell the nation’s pseudo name as Amerikkka to convey my awareness.
By awareness I am slowly learning to use “castes” to represent Amerikka’s social and political organizations.
“Caste” is a book I have read lately and it opened my eyes as to what the United States has become; or rather has been all along.
- Slavery created a caste called “Nigger”.
This caste was a cover for the crimes of “Christians” who kidnapped and killed Africans to feed the Cotton economy in the south. And the North was not left out of this criminal activity: The Cotton Gin was invented to send millions of tons of raw cotton to the north and literally created Amerikkka’s modern economy.
2. This form of economic growth at all costs, to the lower castes, carried over to Native Peoples, whose land was stolen, whose tribes were destroyed, and in the final horror, stolen children who were sent to schools, usually died there, to Kill the Indian, Save the Man.
3. Today, MAGA has formed into a rejuvenation of the above, creating castes again, stratification that are made of concrete, that puts people of color “in their place”.
4. And white businessmen get even richer, just as their ancestors did.
5. It is always “just about money”
So a caste system of slaves morphed into a caste system of “niggers” and “Indians” and Chinese and Japanese.
The immigration boom of the 1800s brought caste ridden people into virtually slave labor that drove Amerikkka’s economic booms.
Today, MAGA exists for one reason and one reason only…Obama.
A “black President” broke every caste, and rallied around a scoundrel Trump to get him elected in spite of his criminality.
We are faced with yet another crisis of democracy, but it is nothing new. If you look at Amerikkkan past social and political history, you will find that these cycles of prejudice, racism and yes fascism as always been, lurking in our lack of morality and hypocrisy.
Fascism was the slave trade. Fascism was the Trail of Tears. Fascism was the Civil War. Fascism was the KKK in the south. Fascism was the Republican Party, and earlier the Democratic Party who supports the solid south who will never give up their caste murdering system.
55 million people died to stop another caste doer and racist….6.5 million Jews….
And the horror is we about once again entering into MAGA produced civil war……