Ah history…yesterday. we saw the truth…We saw racist fascism at work on the nation’s Capitol.
And then a NBA team has declared that the anthem is done with them. What….they are attacking the “Banner”?
Oh my GAWD the MAGA hoards scream. I am sure they will march on the NBA and try to occupy the venue and kill the players..
That is what they were put up to by the Fascist in Chief. But they were not ignorant robots, THEY TRULY BELIEVE THAT THEIR BELOVED NATION HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY FORMER SLAVES!
Some of us, who read history, knew that Francis Scott Key was a racist. MOST OF US WHO KNEW THAT WERE NOT WHITE!
And some of us, who listened in history class, knew that Key excluded non slave holding citizens (rich men only could vote remember and they had to own property; they owned slaves as property)…represented the slave owner caste of the time. Only slave owners could vote in most places!
America then and now is a caste society! It is in the Constitution over and over again…It took many Amendments and still MAGA proves that White Christian Men are still in control.
We all learned that owning property and being a man in the beginning of our Republic was a requirement to vote. We still are taught that only rich men of property should run the country…witness MAGA…
The power center to that most undemocratic idea were slaveowners!
Make Our Country Again, directly reclaims the United States of Francis Scott Keys….only white men of privilege should run the country!
Slaveowners wrote the Constitution!
Women could not vote…non-property whites (“poor white trash”) could not vote only slave owning white men could vote.
The current debate about mail in ballots that allegedly “stole” the election is that same prejudice all over again; it is “taking America back”….It is the same thing, the good ole days were the days of the KKK and of Wounded Knee….and of the Exclusion Acts, of the concentration camps for Japanese Americans AND of fascism in America….of male dominated white only America…Segregation is back!
In fact, the Cherokee nation could own slaves and did. But they made the critical mistake of siding with the British during the Revolution and were decimated because they had sided with a nation (England) that already was downsizing the slave trade and would soon outlaw it. The mistake Cherokees made was they sided with a country that was eliminating slavery, a monarchy attempting to re-take the colonies.
The Cherokee nation bet on the wrong horse. And did they ever pay for it…
Again the payback of an enraged WASP male dominated culture!
The War of 1812 was a war over chattel slavery. Did you know that?
The Constitution of the United States was written to support chattel slavery!
And the poem Keys wrote was adapted to a song of the time and over time became accepted as the “National Anthem”, that championed slavery!
Now, only two verses were usually sung…but the third verse talks about no refuge for runaway slaves and that the United States will pursue runaway slaves in all the nations’s glory.
Yes, Key was a racist, most voters were and yes white people in those days, especially in the south, were scared to death of slave revolts.
Because once again, it happened. It is called reality. All People of Color , all people for that matter, do not appreciate being subjugated! Sooner or later they will revolt! The 2nd Amendment that we all argue about, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed because arms were needed to maintain people in slavery, NOT to protect you from a burglar! It was and is a racist pro slavery 2nd Amendment.
Trump isn’t the first President to be elected by lies…most of our Presidents have been…From Grant who as a war hero but allowed corruption at record levels, to Wilson who showed “Birth of A Nation” in the White House, so was every President in history racist except for one…a guy named Obama.
When the string of racist Presidents was broken in 2008, MAGA was created by racists “to take back our country”…whose country? Our WHITE ONLY country.
Legal segregation was decimated by the Civil and Voter Rights Act. Trump attempted to reverse history, to made America a Great Racist State Again.
In a sense we are watching segregation being adjudicated in the Impeachment Trial going on right now. It is still there, still looming over all of us.
As proof of this is the Birther scam, just like the lies plantation owners spread to justify injustice and inhumanity that plagued or bedeviled. our nation for over 400 years, became a rallying cry of MAGA.
It’s the same thing as George Wallace railing against Civil Rights, the same thing!
And fascism was and is its base. That’s right fascism, ultra Nationalism that depicts the “nation” as one dimensional; profit using slaves is the national creed….still is! And fascism is yet another tool to MAGA, or Take Our Country back.
This was a common refrain of Trump as he committed treason January 6, 2021.
For the thousandth time read “The Anatomy of Fascism”. Fascism is all over the American Republic right now! It has been since 1492. Ask a Native American!
Many countries in the world had stopped slave trading by the early 1800s. A major cause of the War of 1812 is that England had declared it would stop slave ships on the high seas and not only impress sailors into the British Navy, BUT SEIZE THE SLAVES AND RETURN THEM TO AFRICA! This put the USA into an impossible bind…fight or lose the economic engine that was developing the country…it was about slavery!
Remember that from U.S. History, right?
Wrong, this LARGE part of history, which is a very big deal to people of color (Trail of Tears look it up), was never taught to us.
I do remember that Key was depicted as a racist, but hell all White people at the time were racists. So he has got a pass for centuries BECAUSE THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WERE RACISTS AND SOME FASCISTS….
The religious battles of 700 years from 800 AD to 1492 (and on), depicted people of color as related to the devil. And of course they were people, the Moors (who conquered most of Europe and were vastly superior culture and science wise as the Crusades failed again and again to “take back” the Holy Land)…
JUST LIKE THE MOORS. Slavery and racism in America can be traced to the Moors!
We are rubbing elbows with Africa Americans whose descendants kicked the hell out of white people’s ancestors for over 700 years!
Rome had declined in power, actually it barely held on to it anyway worldwide because those “pesky Moors” beat Roman Armies more often than not,as the Muslim Caliphates grew in power.
Soon they took over most of Europe.
And that takeover hard wired Europeans to hate the Non Christian “infidels”, forever!
Columbus went on his journey to the edge of the flat earth (I mean really?) not to prove the world was not flat, but to seek gold to pay off the national debt of Spain that was bankrupt from fighting the Moors, who were very black by the way. When he landed on those Caribbean isles, he thought he was in Asia and right, named the black people who greeted him (and were later raped and killed) Indians, because he thought he was in India….and of course he thought the “Indians” were the hated Moors.
Oh, and Columbus was the first European to practice the “Doctrine of Discovery” that took away ALL Native American and Indigenous People’s land all over the world for 500 years! The Doctrine held simply that if you were a Christian you had the right to all indigenous land…Only Christians could own land. And what was really a recruitment ploy by a Catholic Pope became an excused to seal continents from people of different religions, Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, North South and Central America….everywhere!
Did you know that?
So, from 1492 to 1812 and beyond, good Christians held slaves, having learned that slavery especially of the hated Moores was “In the Good BooK” AND WAS PAYBACK FOR THE MOORS DOMINATING EUROPE FOR OVER 700 YEARS!
Slavery is a fact of all history….many cultures have practiced it…but few have morphed it into chattel slavery (for life and as property).
African Moors kept slaves, Portuguese mostly for hundreds of years…But they all had a date certain when they could be freed. When it was Portugal’s turn to keep African slaves it was for life; hence chattel slavery.
White people were the ones who were slaves! White people from the fall of Rome until 1491 were the victims. And when it their turn to be the dominant culture they exacted a revenge on people of color that is still not done!
The Spanish Inquisition was all about ridding Spain of all Moors AND of all Jews who had befriended the Moors when they dominated.
The Genocide of Jews in WWII was a direct tie to the Moors dominating Europe for 700 years. Jews were never forgiven by European Christians because they tolerated the Moors. Hitler exacted white Anglo Saxon anger at that with a Holocaust!
This racism and prejudice went with European immigrants who found fertile ground for racism and prejudice and their companion in evil; fascism…to the shores of the USA.
Slavery was fascism, a rich plutocracy who used racism to build its aristocratic economy…Two groups were dramatically effected, African slaves and Native Americans. Both endured the plantation economy..Both out groups were and are attacked and discriminated against in virtually every aspect of a white society that works constantly to “take our country back again”.
Whose country? Who was here first? Who was brought here against their will? Whose country?
Actually if you believe in the rule of 7, it has been 700 years, from 1500 or so until 2200 or so, that White people have been paying back on Black and Brown people.
Jesus Christ was no doubt black! So were most of the Jews of the time.
So in 1810 or so the rest of the Christian World woke up and banned slavery and the slave trade.
Only America resisted and when British Man of War ships stopped slave traders on the high seas, and took their slaves away from them, the newly created United States declared war on the strongest country on earth.
This time the Americans didn’t have a chance…And America got its ass kicked. January 6 marked the first time since 1812 that a armed militia took over the Washington, burning the White House to the ground; that militia was the British Army.
The USA lost the War of 1812 big time…The Battle of New Orleans was an afterthought of the war; the USA had already sued for peace.
The third verse, that is not sung while we all sob as our “great county” (who presently is about to do nothing to a President who tried to end democracy),was really racist and a warning to slaves if they ran away they would be destroyed.
That’s right folks, the National Anthem is a racist song.
Ever wonder why African Americans don’t recognize the “Anthem”…this is why. Ever wonder why the “Negro National Anthem” was adopted, it was a religious song of Black Churches that very clearly reflects the love of freedom that ALL HUMAN BEINGS STRIVE FOR NOT JUST WHITE PEOPLE!
In fact the “Negro National Anthem” should be the USA’s National Anthem!
And 99.9999 percent of white Americans know nothing about it.
Slavery was conveniently eliminated from American History after the Civil War. It was an “inconvenient truth” of the myth makers, who were also busy depicting the United States as the “Savior of Mankind”…we weren’t and after January 6th most assuredly are not!
The Savior of the World does not see an armed insurrection and legalizes it! And the Senate is about to do just that and not convict a former President (who still claims he is President like most fascist leaders do) of high crimes and misdemeanors.
He did it, we are watching right now an indictment that is airtight! He did it…WE DID IT!
The United States is yet another flawed nation like all nations of human beings have been for eternity. Read your Bible and read of Jesus or Mohammed or whatever religion you choose, the banality of evil is the issue and how we deal with it.
Mankind is flawed tragically…and all the nations that have fallen before to fascism share the shame of giving into mankind’s most base instincts…it is how nation states decline…
It ended Germany, it ended Imperial Japan, it ended Rome,it ended the British Empire and it is ending the USA!
And that human flaw if you will IS IN ALL HUMAN CULTURES.
Only some manage hatred of your neighbor better than others.