A Total Miss of Reality
“Ironically, many liberal elites seem to blame working-class white people for their own rage. This is as misguided as it is counterproductive. It is vital to point out that people in the non-urban working class are justified in feeling enraged and must be vindicated. Their feelings are based on suffering that is as real as it has been ignored by the establishment. Further, only when the elite class of urban Americans comes to terms with this side of our recent history can we begin to heal the profound resulting wounds.”…….Fascist Writer
Oh bullshit. The above blames liberal elites for the fascism that now is rife in Republicans. The fact is the working class are not enraged….only those who have passed into fascism.
For example, African Americans who are poor are not going after liberal elites. Native Americans are not going after liberal elites.
The writer of the above quote is simply covering up what is fascism that the “elites” of business cultivate for power.
Think not….then study the growth of Nazism in the 1930s, when the world wide depression gave Hitler and others, the opening the loss of WWI gave them to move away from democracy and into the hands of Hitler.
In that case, the fascist writer of above is following the same game that Hitler used to eliminate democracy, send Jews to their deaths…and never admitting their real motives: power!
And the wounds, this fascist wants to keep the wounds burning. It is the world turned upside down that causes fascism to grow.
Liberals don’t do it….fascists do it and then blame the liberals; ie., communists.
Take Trump for example…he has no political position at all…He just rides the fascism that the Republican Party has moved into…..
History does not lie….there are many books that retrospectively look at the growth of fascism in Italy and Germany. The map for disaster is apparent.
Do not be deceived…liberals are not your enemy, the writer of the above is your enemy…..a damned Nazi!