Greg Beale
6 min readDec 26, 2020

A con..a simple lying con….even Trump does not really believe that the election was fraudulent…He believes this as much as he really believed that Obama was not born in the USA.

The fact is the entire political party is engaged in the same lying that went on for Joe McCarthy.

In that case the Republicans had endured over twenty years of political impotence due to their struck dumb response to the Great Depression AND Pearl Harbor.

Just as they had done so shamelessly in 1919 when they killed Wilson’s efforts for a League of Nations that included the United States.

Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican, led a sabotage effort to destroy the Democratic President’s efforts to forge a lasting peace.

Lodge and the Republicans worked and lied their way into creating a Congress who was fearful that the United States would lose out if they brokered a lasting peace.

So WWII is an extention of WWI. 55 million people died because of Republican lying tradition that we again see in their lying denial of the 2020 election.

That lies sit in the lap of the Republican Party. The lies are a Republican tradition. And a rabble core base laps it up.

Why don’t Democrats fight fire with fire, because they can’t. The interest groups who now make up the leadership of the Democratic Party are the same victims of lies by politicians, Dixiecrats and now Republicans about race and gender.

Democrats can’t lie about this because they are now the victims of those historical lies….

Lies get you hurt.

So did Pearl Harbor…The Republican Party once again reliable in historical times to go the wrong way. The lies of isolationism almost cost the world its was that close!

Isolationists were rife in the Republican Party (some in the Democratic Party as well). However the congressional Republicans who led the isolationist in movement, kept the United States from mobilizing for war in the late 1930s.

Even when Germany attacked the Soviet Union and were bombing England and had taken over France, the Republicans kept up their isolationist in lies.

Yes they lied. They lied about the threat to the United States a clear break of their oaths to preserve and protect the Constitution. They KNEW what Hitler was doing…but they were willing to let him have the rest of the world. They are directly responsible then for the holocaust, that was decided in 1941 by Hitler before Pearl Harbor. They knew that Hitler was watching, and when it became apparent that Roosevelt didn’t have the votes for a Declaration of War due to the open warfare the U.S. Navy was waging in the North Atlantic, sinking U Boats to shore up Great Britain, the GOP just kept on lying!

They lied. The famous tenacity and stubbornness putting party above country was quite apparent.

Only Pearl Harbor changed that.

Republicans watched in horror as the war and the truth led to Roosevelt’s four terms.

So did Pearl Harbor…The Republican Party once again reliable in historical times to go the wrong way.

Isolationists were rife in the Republican Party (some in the Democratic Party as well). However the congressional Republicans who led the isolationist in movement, kept the United States from mobilizing for war in the late 1930s.

Even when Germany attacked the Soviet Union and were bombing England and had taken over France, the Republicans kept up their isolationist in lies.

Yes they lied. They lied about the threat to the United States a clear break of their oaths to preserve and protect the Constitution. They KNEW what Hitler was doing…but they were willing to let him have the rest of the world. They are directly responsible then for the holocaust, that was decided in 1941 by Hitler before Pearl Harbor. They knew that Hitler was watching, and when it became apparent that Roosevelt didn’t have the votes for a Declaration of War due to the open warfare the U.S. Navy was waging in the North Atlantic, sinking U Boats to shore up Great Britain, the GOP just kept on lying!

They lied. The famous tenacity and stubbornness putting party above country was quite apparent.

Only Pearl Harbor changed that.

Republicans watched in horror as the war and the truth led to Roosevelt’s four terms.

So did Pearl Harbor…The Republican Party once again reliable in historical times to go the wrong way.

Isolationists were rife in the Republican Party (some in the Democratic Party as well). However the congressional Republicans who led the isolationist in movement, kept the United States from mobilizing for war in the late 1930s.

Even when Germany attacked the Soviet Union and were bombing England and had taken over France, the Republicans kept up their isolationist in lies.

Yes they lied. They lied about the threat to the United States a clear break of their oaths to preserve and protect the Constitution. They KNEW what Hitler was doing…but they were willing to let him have the rest of the world. They are directly responsible then for the holocaust, that was decided in 1941 by Hitler before Pearl Harbor. They knew that Hitler was watching, and when it became apparent that Roosevelt didn’t have the votes for a Declaration of War due to the open warfare the U.S. Navy was waging in the North Atlantic, sinking U Boats to shore up Great Britain, the GOP just kept on lying!

They lied. The famous tenacity and stubbornness putting party above country was quite apparent.

Only Pearl Harbor changed that.

Republicans watched in horror as the war and the truth led to Roosevelt’s four terms.

The U.S. Congress did not see a majority in both sides for the Republicans until Clinton!

It was that bad.

Now they are doing it again, stupidly hanging with Trump. Meanwhile the American voting public has moved left of center and definitely votes with minorities and women. The Republicans as usual are intensely loyal to a President who will be shown to be the most corrupt in our history. The last time they sunk their fortunes into a corrupt President was Grant.

But that is the good ole GOP, wrong to a fault and then lying about it.

Lying is a staple of the Republican Party….it is historical and predictable…look at Iran Contra, look at the Clinton emails, look at the Mueller Report…on and on, one lie after another.

They all know Trump lost . They are not that stupid.. But the Republicans have a tradition of being wrong at pivotal times in history, with the one example that they showed with the Civil War. They also have a tradition of lying about the Civil War.

Unfortunately the liberal abolitionist, Radical Republicans stand only lasted while the Civil War raged on and while Lincoln was alive.

Lincoln. was a consumable politician. He was very aware of the fledgling Republican Party tendency to lie. His post war plan operated within reason and definitely was not going to give into the defeated South.

John Wilkes Booth changed all that.

After the war, the Radical Republicans efforts to help recently emancipated Africa Americans and Native Americans were blunted in 1876, when R.B. Hayes sold out the abolitionists and allowed the south to re-institute a slave economy behind the facade of Jim Crowe. Republicans used the then wrong headed electoral college in a trade with the devil to give he south back to segregationists and the KKK; and then he lied about it.

Incarceration of former slavesin a work camp system took the place of chattel slavery until the 20th Century and beyond. The Plantation Economy did not skip a beat and survives to this day, also in the north.

Slavery is the ultimate debasement of labor; and the plutocrats of today are following that lead. And their home base is where?

The Republican Party.

Trump will leave the White House but will begin a campaign to be elected President in 2024. This is their plan on. running a man who will be close to 80 for President.

Unfortunately for this wrong headed move, the odds are Trump, if he lives, will be in jail by 2024.

Guiltless, spineless and morally bankrupt is what the Republican Party have. been for a long time. This lying tradition means an almost surrealistic reality, an alternative universe of bullshit, that leads always to disaster.

Think not…look at WWII.

The lying “belief” that Trump did not lose is vintage Republican behavior. Of course they are lying about it…they always do!

Greg Beale
Greg Beale

Written by Greg Beale

Stanford grad, BA Political Science, MA from Sac State, Varsity Football Player, in public education as teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.

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